Monday, May 9, 2011

Vitamin B12 and Your Health

The journal Neurology recently published the findings of a seven year study done at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The study concluded that people who get plenty of Vitamin B-12 have a significantly lower risk of developing a brain disorder that involves memory loss, confusion and other serious symptoms of mental decline. This study provides even more strong evidence about B-12’s role in helping to protect against deteriorating mental health.

Blood samples were taken from 271 people from Finland, ranging in age between 65 and 79, who were involved in a CAIDE (Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia) study. None of the participants had any symptoms of mental decline when the study began seven years ago.

Seventeen of the study participants developed clinically-diagnosed mental decline during the seven years of the study. The research clearly found that no matter what the age, gender, body mass or blood pressure of all the people involved, it was their levels of B-12 that had a direct link with lowering their risk of problems with mental function.

These types of studies continue to reinforce the evidence that we need to supply our bodies with high quality supplements in order to maintain optimum wellness. This study clearly indicates how important it is to maintain adequate levels of vitamin B-12 for maximum mental health. Medical science srill continues to offer more evidence of what a powerhouse this vitamin is. The clinical support for maintaining high levels of B-12 has been steadily building over the past couple of years.

If you suffer with mood swings, memory loss or low energy levels, you could very well be experiencing the effects of low levels of vitamin B-12. Adding a powerful, quickly absorbed sublingual form of B-12, could be very beneficial to your overall mental health. Sublingual B-12 dissolves under the tongue going directly into your bloodstream helping you enjoy:

•Sustained mental energy and stamina

•Greater mental focus and alertness

•Improved memory and concentration

•Better mood and sense of well-being

Research has shown that even if you are concerned enough about your health to emphasize smart eating and exercise in your life you could be suffering a B-12 deficiency. Stress, age, taking certain prescription medications, a vegetarian lifestyle, stomach surgery or disease, and digestive problems are all contributing factors in vitamin B-12 deficiency. We have known for a long time that as we age, our bodies are less able to absorb adequate amounts of B-12, no matter how healthy our diet is. Recent research has shown that even young people aren’t immune from this absorption problem. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published recent research looking at B-12 blood levels in three age groups of participants: 65 and over, 50-64, and 26-49. All of the participants had approximately the same levels of B-12 deficiency. YES, you read that correctly, people as young as 26 turned out to be as B-12 deficient as some people over 65!

Other studies done in the last few years have shown that B-12 deficiencies are associated with a range of health problems, from brain shrinkage to memory loss to attention disorders. Hopefully, for your wellness sake, this latest research from Scandinavia will give you more reason to start (or stay with) your Sublingual B-12 regimen.


B12 Fraction May Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s. “Homocysteine and holotranscobalamin and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: a longitudinal study. “ Neurology 2010; 75:1408-1414. See it at:

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