Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Healing Power of BETALAINS

Betalains are a class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments found in plants. They are most noticeable in the petals of flowers, but they also color the fruits, leaves, stems, and roots of plants as well. They include powerful antioxidant pigments such as those found in beets, rainbow chard and the fruit of the nopal cactus. Betalains are an incredibly powerful, all natural anti-inflammatory and produce no known side effects.
Although they were previously thought to be a pigment to add color to plants, it is now evident that their protein structure is extremely beneficial as well as vital to life. It is their antioxidant value that imparts so many health benefits. Sources of betalains are beets (up to 6 of the 24 known betalains), rainbow chard (up to 12 of the 24 known betalains) and some desert plants such as nopal opuntia cactus (contains a very high concentration of all 24 of the known naturally occurring betalains). Hundreds of scientific studies have shown the incredible health benefits available through these powerful antioxidants.
Betalains assist the body in a total transformation by neutralizing toxins and supporting the cell’s natural detoxification process. By preventing toxins from accumulating and preserving the integrity of the cell, chronic inflammation can be avoided. Betalains also reduce the enzymes responsible for causing inflammation. This protein/antioxidant complex greatly assists in improved health and a longer life.
There are twenty four (24) separate components, and each one supplies a specific structure and function to every cell. They provide a reward system for cells distressed by toxins and internal deficiencies. This helps to counteract premature aging by strengthening the cell wall. As a result the cell is rehydrated.
These components also provide a mineral balancing function with a 2:1 ratio of minerals: potassium inside the cell, sodium outside the cell, and magnesium inside the cell, and calcium outside the cell and on and on in this fashion. The integrity of the cell is thus maintained.
The only known source of all 24 naturally occurring betalains is the fruit of the nopal cactus (nopal opuntia). Betalains give the fruit of the cactus its vibrant pink color. The anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit of the nopal cactus are legendary and significantly aid the body's ability to fight many inflammation related diseases. Recent research has shown that chronic inflammation is a serious health problem for a high percentage of the population and increasing at alarming rates.
Research has shown that chronic inflammation can lead to:
•Neurological Diseases
•Autoimmune Diseases
•Pulmonary Diseases
When you take betalains into your system they begin to restore your vitality on a cellular level. By helping the body reduce the toxins surrounding your cells and enabling essential nutrients to reach each cell, the betalains reduce the inflammation in your body that leads to disease.
Scientific research shows that betalains help to:

•Reduce the risk of blood clots—betalains protect the thin lining of your blood vessels; this helps reduce the inflammation that makes your blood sticky and leads to clots.1

Reduce bad cholesterol—betalains strongly reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol.2

•Protect cells from toxins—betalains protect many types of cells, especially brain cells, from toxins known to trigger tumors.3

•Protect your liver—betalains provide significant protection from toxins that directly affect your liver.4

1 - “Antioxidant betalains from cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) inhibit endothelial ICAM-1 expression.” C Gentile, L Tesoriere, M Allegra, M A Livrea, P D’Alessio Dipartimento Farmacochimico, Tossicologico e Biologico, Università di Palermo, Italy.
2 - Allegra M, Tesoriere L, Livrea MA. Free Radic Res. 2007 Mar;41(3):335-41.
3 - Lee MH, Kim JY, Yoon JH, Lim HJ, Kim TH, Jin C, Kwak WJ, Han CK, Ryu JH. Phytother Res. 2006 Sep;20(9):742-7.
4 - Galati EM, Mondello MR, Lauriano ER, Taviano MF, Galluzzo M, Miceli N. Phytother Res. 2005 Sep;19(9):796-800.

Betalains are incredably effective in helping the body maintain wellness and prevent chronic health problems. Prevention is always preferable when dealing with health issues, fighting disease once it becomes established in the body is much more difficult. Betalains are a powerful tool in our quest for maintaining overall wellness.
Scientific studies have shown many health benefits betalains provide. Research is ongoing into the benefits available when betalains are consistently included in the diet.
Here are a few links to more of the research showing the immense health benefits of these powerful, natural supplements:

Betalain antioxidant research.

Antioxidant betalains from cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) inhibit endothelial ICAM-1 expression.

How betalains behave after ingestion.

Distribution of betalain pigments in red blood cells after consumption of cactus pear fruits and increased resistance of the cells to ex vivo induced oxidative hemolysis in humans.

How betalains effect cholesterol.

Absorption, excretion, and distribution of dietary antioxidant betalains in LDLs: potential health effects of betalains in humans.

More on the antioxidant power of betalains.

Antioxidant activities of sicilian prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) fruit extracts and reducing properties of its betalains: betanin and indicaxanthin.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Vitamin B12 and Your Health

The journal Neurology recently published the findings of a seven year study done at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The study concluded that people who get plenty of Vitamin B-12 have a significantly lower risk of developing a brain disorder that involves memory loss, confusion and other serious symptoms of mental decline. This study provides even more strong evidence about B-12’s role in helping to protect against deteriorating mental health.

Blood samples were taken from 271 people from Finland, ranging in age between 65 and 79, who were involved in a CAIDE (Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia) study. None of the participants had any symptoms of mental decline when the study began seven years ago.

Seventeen of the study participants developed clinically-diagnosed mental decline during the seven years of the study. The research clearly found that no matter what the age, gender, body mass or blood pressure of all the people involved, it was their levels of B-12 that had a direct link with lowering their risk of problems with mental function.

These types of studies continue to reinforce the evidence that we need to supply our bodies with high quality supplements in order to maintain optimum wellness. This study clearly indicates how important it is to maintain adequate levels of vitamin B-12 for maximum mental health. Medical science srill continues to offer more evidence of what a powerhouse this vitamin is. The clinical support for maintaining high levels of B-12 has been steadily building over the past couple of years.

If you suffer with mood swings, memory loss or low energy levels, you could very well be experiencing the effects of low levels of vitamin B-12. Adding a powerful, quickly absorbed sublingual form of B-12, could be very beneficial to your overall mental health. Sublingual B-12 dissolves under the tongue going directly into your bloodstream helping you enjoy:

•Sustained mental energy and stamina

•Greater mental focus and alertness

•Improved memory and concentration

•Better mood and sense of well-being

Research has shown that even if you are concerned enough about your health to emphasize smart eating and exercise in your life you could be suffering a B-12 deficiency. Stress, age, taking certain prescription medications, a vegetarian lifestyle, stomach surgery or disease, and digestive problems are all contributing factors in vitamin B-12 deficiency. We have known for a long time that as we age, our bodies are less able to absorb adequate amounts of B-12, no matter how healthy our diet is. Recent research has shown that even young people aren’t immune from this absorption problem. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published recent research looking at B-12 blood levels in three age groups of participants: 65 and over, 50-64, and 26-49. All of the participants had approximately the same levels of B-12 deficiency. YES, you read that correctly, people as young as 26 turned out to be as B-12 deficient as some people over 65!

Other studies done in the last few years have shown that B-12 deficiencies are associated with a range of health problems, from brain shrinkage to memory loss to attention disorders. Hopefully, for your wellness sake, this latest research from Scandinavia will give you more reason to start (or stay with) your Sublingual B-12 regimen.


B12 Fraction May Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s. “Homocysteine and holotranscobalamin and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: a longitudinal study. “ Neurology 2010; 75:1408-1414. See it at:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vitamin D is crucial to maintain wellness

At least 50% to 75% of the general population is suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, in other words when blood tests are done the level of Vitamin D in their body is below 50% of the recommended levels. Why should you be concerned about Vitamin D deficiency? Adequate levels of Vitamin D provide the following benefits to your health:
Ø  Relief from chronic pain, especially in the lower back region.
Ø  Lower risk of Prostate Cancer, the higher the level of Vitamin D (within the recommended levels) the lower the risk of Prostate Cancer.
Ø  Increased bone growth and bone density, especially important to women over 40 years of age.
Ø  Healthy levels of Vitamin D are necessary for the thyroid to function properly, increasing energy levels and endurance.
Ø  Research indicates that children of men who maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D during the reproductive years are much less likely to suffer from Autism.
Ø  Healthy levels of Vitamin D decrease the incidence of Heart Disease.
Ø  The risk of Diabetes is reduced when healthy levels of Vitamin D are maintained in the body.
Ø  The body’s immune system is strengthened by high levels of Vitamin D.
Ø  Vitamin D protects the liver and reduces inflammation in the liver, aiding the body’s ability to detoxify itself.
Vitamin D is a powerful antioxidant, protecting the body from free radicals. Vitamin D is especially beneficial in protecting the body when exposure to radiation is a concern (as it is now along the west coast of the USA due to the radiation from Japan’s damaged reactor).
As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce adequate levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin D production is increased as our skin is exposed to sunshine. The theory has been that the more you exposed your body to the sun the more Vitamin D that was produced. However, more and more studies are showing that, even with adequate exposure to the sun, most people are still suffering from Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms are depression, chronic fatigue, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. If you experience any of these symptoms, or you suffer with chronic pain, you could be Vitamin D deficient.

1.      Our bodies need adequate Vitamin D to maintain optimum health.
2.      Exposure to sunlight will not provide high enough levels of Vitamin D for our bodies to perform at peak levels of wellness.
3.      You need to supplement the Vitamin D being produced by your body with a high quality Vitamin D supplement, if you want to feel your best and live well.