Monday, June 20, 2011


What are they and what causes them???

Autoimmune conditions begin when some trigger sends the immune system into battle. In order to better protect the body during an attack by a foreign agent, the immune system reduces the number of proteins needed for identification, thereby making it harder to differentiate between the enemy and normal, healthy cells. After destroying the enemy, the immune system attacks any tissue that resembles the enemy. Now, any cell that shares even a few identifying characteristics as the invader will be attacked.

When we consider a list of the common autoimmune diseases, it’s easy to see why autoimmune disorders are a serious health concern in our society today:

Ø  Diabetes
Ø  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Ø  Lupus
Ø  Rheumatoid Arthritis – Since rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, its inflammation can affect organs and areas of the body other than the joints. Examples of other areas that may be affected include:
§  Sjogren's syndrome is inflammation of the glands of the eyes and mouth.
§  Rheumatoid inflammation of the lung lining (pleuritis).
§  Tissue inflammation surrounding the heart, called pericarditis.
§  Rheumatoid disease can reduce the number of red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells.
§  Decreased white cells can be associated with an enlarged spleen (Felty's syndrome).
§  A rare and serious complication is blood-vessel inflammation (vasculitis). Vasculitis can impair blood supply to tissues and lead to tissue death. This is most often initially visible as tiny black areas around the nail beds or as leg ulcers.

Each type of autoimmune disorder is a unique disease with a different combination of symptoms, but they also have basic similarities:

ØStress reduction aids in the alleviation of autoimmune disorder symptoms in most cases.
§  Deep breathing reduces stress.
üThree deep breaths can break the cycle of tension.
üTen minutes of deep breathing cuts stress hormones in half.
üTwenty minutes of deep breathing restores hormone balance and gives you deeper sleep to restore your mind and body. Twenty minutes of deep breathing also increases the level of growth hormone by 300%. Growth hormone is essential for your body to heal and reduces the effects of aging.
ØBalanced diet and rest aids in overall health and improves the body’s ability to deal with the symptoms associated with autoimmune disease. Be sure to include:
§  Lean proteins
§  Whole grains
§  Plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Ø Activity is crucial to the health of the human body! Exercise at whatever level you are able, each and every day. You will feel better, have more energy and have a better outlook, even if you exercise at a very modest level
Ø  Vitamin B-12 and Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) are critical to the health of anyone suffering with an autoimmune disease.
§  Vitamin B-12 repairs the holes in your nerves caused by your overactive immune system attacking the lining tissue of the nerve system. The cell outside your nerve, called a Schwann cell, "patches" the holes with B-12. A majority of the population suffers from Vitamin B-12 deficiency, especially once you pass 40 years of age your body is unable to absorb adequate Vitamin B-12 from the normal digestive process and the sources of usable B-12 are quite limited. Here is the best source of Vitamin B-12 available.
§  EFAs help the immune system work smarter, not harder. They improve the identification process causing the immune system to discriminate better because many of the identification proteins are coded in fat. If you have an abundance of healthy EFA, you will identify good, healthy body tissues from invaders. Further, EFA helps to reduce inflammation.
Ø  Research has shown that chronic inflammation plays a significant role in autoimmune disorders; in fact Time Magazine did a cover story on chronic inflammation, “The Secret Killer” in 2004. Time discovered that chronic inflammation played a major role in several serious health conditions, including:
§  Diabetes
§  Allergies
§  Asthma
§  Autoimmune
§  Neurological
§  Respiratory and more!

Scientific research clearly shows that your health can be improved by following the basic principles discussed above. Begin today to build a healthier YOU:

Ø  Practice deep breathing for a set amount of time each day.
Ø  Eat a balanced healthy diet.
Ø  Participate in some form of physical activity each day. Begin at a level you are comfortable with and increase the level of activity, as you are able.
Ø  Begin a regimen of Vitamin B-12 and Essential Fatty Acid supplements immediately.
Ø  Reduce the levels of chronic inflammation in your body BEFORE there is irreversible damage to your health.
Following the above guidelines will aid autoimmune disease sufferers in their battle. It could also reduce the risk of having your body begin the autoimmune cycle, if you don’t currently have an autoimmune disorder.

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