Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Inflammation is a complex biological response in the body caused initially by damaged cells, toxins, irritants, pathogens or any other harmful agents that are introduced to the body. Acute inflammation is a protective attempt by the body to remove an injurious stimulus and to initiate a healing process. The acute inflammation response is a necessary process for the body to heal. Without acute inflammation, the body would not be able to heal itself. Acute inflammation is a short-term process, usually appearing within a few minutes or hours and ceasing upon the removal of the injurious stimulus.

Acute inflammation is an absolute necessity for the body to heal. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is a disease. The system has gotten hung up, and instead of protecting the body, it starts to kill the organism. Slowly but surely chronic inflammation results in a variety of severely damaging conditions in the body. This is why the bodily functions normally control inflammation very closely. Scientific studies have tied chronic inflammation to many of the most common diseases suffered by the human race, including:

v  Cancer
v  Autoimmune Disorders
v  Diabetes
v  Stroke
v  Depression
v  Hay Fever
v  Chronic Pain
v  Asthma

The word inflammation is derived from the Latin word inflammare – to set on fire. This description is appropriate for all types of inflammation, red and hot. Inflammation has another characteristic in common with fire. When it is out of control, it can do a great deal of damage in a short amount of time. The original cause that ignites the fire differs from person to person and may have been: repeated or prolonged infections, smoking or gum disease, for example. Obesity, too, makes you prone to inflammation, as fat cells churn out inflammatory proteins called cytokines. But the end result is the same: An endless trickle of immune cells interferes with the body's healthy tissues triggering genetic mutations that can lead to cancer; the bursting of plaque in an artery wall; or a host of other conditions leading to any one of the diseases mentioned above.

Understanding the dangers and causes of chronic inflammation are only the first steps. How do we know if we are at risk? How do we find out if we already suffer from the beginning stages? Most importantly, what can be done to prevent chronic inflammation and to reduce chronic inflammation once it is determined to be present?

Chronic inflammation is a silent and secretive killer. Most people are not aware that chronic inflammation is present in their body until the symptoms of a serious disease become apparent. By the time symptoms are noticed, damage to the body is often so severe that the healing process may take years and, in fact, may be irreversible. Typical routine checkups by your medical professional will not detect the early stages of chronic inflammation. One blood test that will provide an indication of chronic inflammation is the blood test for CRP (C-reactive protein). Scientific research has shown that high levels of CRP are indicative of chronic inflammation in the body. In fact, on January 28, 2003, the American Heart Association and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) jointly endorsed the C-reactive protein test to screen for coronary-artery inflammation to identify those at risk for heart attack. One condition that is easily checked is your waistline. Having a large waist measurement—at or above 35 inches for a woman and 40 inches for a man—means you're likely to have excess inflammation. Here are some other conditions that typically indicate a high probability for increased inflammation: high triglycerides (150 mg/dL or above, measured by a cholesterol blood test), high blood pressure (a measurement at or above 130/85 millimeters of mercury), and high levels of glucose (at or above 100 milligrams per deciliter after fasting). According to the American Heart Association, these all point to an inflammatory condition called metabolic syndrome, a common precursor of diabetes and heart disease.

Many common products provide short term relief from chronic inflammation, but VERY FEW IF ANY provide long term healing to the body. Some of these commonly used products, known as NSAIDs: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, have serious side effects, including: kidney damage, stomach problems and thyroid problems. Occasionally, the side effects may be fatal, when used for extended periods of time. Common examples of NSAIDs would be: aspirin, ibuprofen, Naproxen, Oxaprozin and Celecoxib. Taking excess amounts of acetaminophen (Tylenol, Panadol) can cause liver failure that is permanent. This is the reason that warning labels exist on many over-the-counter medications that contain acetaminophen and why prescription narcotic-acetaminophen combination medications (for example, Vicodin, Lortab, Norco, Tylenol #3) limit the numbers of tablets to be taken in a day.

Statin medications are commonly prescribed to control elevated blood levels of cholesterol. Even when taken in the appropriately prescribed dose, liver inflammation may occur and can be detected by blood tests that measure liver enzymes. Stopping the medication usually results in return of the liver function to normal.

The best and surest way to control chronic inflammation in the body is with powerful anti-inflammatories called betalains. Scientific research has conclusively shown that ingesting adequate amounts of these natural anti-inflammatories will greatly reduce the levels of chronic inflammation and promote healing within the body. Over 200 scientific studies have been done on the health benefits available through a regimen supplementing the diet with betalains. Benefits that have been documented include: healthier cholesterol levels; more controllable blood sugar levels; eliminating hay fever symptoms; lessening asthma symptoms; and elimination of chronic pain. Betalains provide ALL OF THESE BENEFITS AND ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE EFFECTS. Scientific studies are ongoing and continue to discover new health benefits provided by the betalains found in the fruit of the nopal cactus. The VERY BEST SOURCE OF BETALAINS can be found here: BETALAINS

The following practices have proven to be beneficial to anyone fighting chronic inflammation:


Reducing chronic inflammation is important to maintain optimum health. Healthy bodies allow us to do the things we want to do with family and friends without suffering from the symptoms of the diseases described previously. The practices that reduce chronic inflammation also greatly contribute to overall wellness in all areas of the body. Following the practices to reduce inflammation listed in the previous section will result in:

Ø  Increased energy levels
Ø  Improved mental clarity and alertness
Ø  Greater physical stamina
Ø  Substantial reduction or complete elimination of chronic pain

TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. The quality of life you will lead as you age will be greatly affected by the decisions you make or choose not to make TODAY!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011


What are they and what causes them???

Autoimmune conditions begin when some trigger sends the immune system into battle. In order to better protect the body during an attack by a foreign agent, the immune system reduces the number of proteins needed for identification, thereby making it harder to differentiate between the enemy and normal, healthy cells. After destroying the enemy, the immune system attacks any tissue that resembles the enemy. Now, any cell that shares even a few identifying characteristics as the invader will be attacked.

When we consider a list of the common autoimmune diseases, it’s easy to see why autoimmune disorders are a serious health concern in our society today:

Ø  Diabetes
Ø  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Ø  Lupus
Ø  Rheumatoid Arthritis – Since rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, its inflammation can affect organs and areas of the body other than the joints. Examples of other areas that may be affected include:
§  Sjogren's syndrome is inflammation of the glands of the eyes and mouth.
§  Rheumatoid inflammation of the lung lining (pleuritis).
§  Tissue inflammation surrounding the heart, called pericarditis.
§  Rheumatoid disease can reduce the number of red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells.
§  Decreased white cells can be associated with an enlarged spleen (Felty's syndrome).
§  A rare and serious complication is blood-vessel inflammation (vasculitis). Vasculitis can impair blood supply to tissues and lead to tissue death. This is most often initially visible as tiny black areas around the nail beds or as leg ulcers.

Each type of autoimmune disorder is a unique disease with a different combination of symptoms, but they also have basic similarities:

ØStress reduction aids in the alleviation of autoimmune disorder symptoms in most cases.
§  Deep breathing reduces stress.
üThree deep breaths can break the cycle of tension.
üTen minutes of deep breathing cuts stress hormones in half.
üTwenty minutes of deep breathing restores hormone balance and gives you deeper sleep to restore your mind and body. Twenty minutes of deep breathing also increases the level of growth hormone by 300%. Growth hormone is essential for your body to heal and reduces the effects of aging.
ØBalanced diet and rest aids in overall health and improves the body’s ability to deal with the symptoms associated with autoimmune disease. Be sure to include:
§  Lean proteins
§  Whole grains
§  Plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Ø Activity is crucial to the health of the human body! Exercise at whatever level you are able, each and every day. You will feel better, have more energy and have a better outlook, even if you exercise at a very modest level
Ø  Vitamin B-12 and Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) are critical to the health of anyone suffering with an autoimmune disease.
§  Vitamin B-12 repairs the holes in your nerves caused by your overactive immune system attacking the lining tissue of the nerve system. The cell outside your nerve, called a Schwann cell, "patches" the holes with B-12. A majority of the population suffers from Vitamin B-12 deficiency, especially once you pass 40 years of age your body is unable to absorb adequate Vitamin B-12 from the normal digestive process and the sources of usable B-12 are quite limited. Here is the best source of Vitamin B-12 available.
§  EFAs help the immune system work smarter, not harder. They improve the identification process causing the immune system to discriminate better because many of the identification proteins are coded in fat. If you have an abundance of healthy EFA, you will identify good, healthy body tissues from invaders. Further, EFA helps to reduce inflammation.
Ø  Research has shown that chronic inflammation plays a significant role in autoimmune disorders; in fact Time Magazine did a cover story on chronic inflammation, “The Secret Killer” in 2004. Time discovered that chronic inflammation played a major role in several serious health conditions, including:
§  Diabetes
§  Allergies
§  Asthma
§  Autoimmune
§  Neurological
§  Respiratory and more!

Scientific research clearly shows that your health can be improved by following the basic principles discussed above. Begin today to build a healthier YOU:

Ø  Practice deep breathing for a set amount of time each day.
Ø  Eat a balanced healthy diet.
Ø  Participate in some form of physical activity each day. Begin at a level you are comfortable with and increase the level of activity, as you are able.
Ø  Begin a regimen of Vitamin B-12 and Essential Fatty Acid supplements immediately.
Ø  Reduce the levels of chronic inflammation in your body BEFORE there is irreversible damage to your health.
Following the above guidelines will aid autoimmune disease sufferers in their battle. It could also reduce the risk of having your body begin the autoimmune cycle, if you don’t currently have an autoimmune disorder.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Heart disease kills more people in North America than any other health ailment. Your risk for getting this disease increases slowly over time as you age. Certain risk factors can tell if you are in danger of developing this disease within the next 10 years. These risk factors include:
          Blood pressure
          HDL ("good") cholesterol
          Total cholesterol

Let’s take a look at some RED FLAG warning signs that indicate increases in the likelihood you will develop heart disease in the near future.
§  Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers:
o   Systolic pressure, the higher number, represents the pressure in the artery when the heart beats. A healthy systolic pressure reading will be in the neighborhood of 115, a reading much higher than this would tend to indicate the beginning of your arteries becoming stiff, inflexible, inflamed or too narrow. These conditions cause your heart to beat harder and this will create a higher systolic number.
o   Diastolic pressure, the lower number, represents the pressure when the heart is at rest. A healthy diastolic pressure reading will be in the range of 75 or lower. High diastolic numbers may indicate that your lungs, kidneys and liver are not properly detoxifying your body.
§  Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - Some people find that their blood pressure will not go down no matter what they do, OSA may be the culprit. With OSA, a person stops breathing during sleep. Sensing the shortage of oxygen, your brain increases blood pressure to compensate.
§  High cholesterol levels in the blood contribute to atherosclerosis, which is the build-up of cholesterol, fat and fibrous debris along the arterial walls. This build-up, called plaque, eventually accumulates to the point that it narrows the artery and stiffens the arterial wall. If the plaque is severe enough, it can impair blood flow past the blockage. A normal, healthy cholesterol level is 170 mg/dL or lower.
§  High density lipoproteins (HDL) absorb cholesterol and take it back to the liver for disposal. A normal, healthy HDL level is over 60 mg/dL. HDL cholesterol levels rise with moderate exercise. In order to increase your HDL and reduce your risk of heart disease, you need to establish a regimen of regular cardio type exercise (walking, biking, running, swimming etc.). Start out gradually and increase the intensity and length of the workout to a moderate intensity level for at least 20 minutes.
Your risk of developing atherosclerosis (another term used to describe heart disease) is a combination of several factors. It is important to understand that while the indicators above may indicate a tendency for you to be more susceptible to heart disease they DO NOT tell you if you are going to have a heart attack. Markers in your bloodstream that signal an imminent heart attack include Total Plasma Homocysteine (tHCY) and C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP).
Here is an online calculator to aid you in assessing your personal risk factor for heart disease. Before going to the calculator listed below, have the following information available:
§  Your blood pressure readings
§  Your total cholesterol number
§  Your HDL reading
After accessing the calculator, scroll down and click on "Health Risk Assessors – Coronary Heart Disease." Then simply enter your data and the calculator will automatically calculate your risk factor.

Cholesterol levels and blood pressure, on their own, do not provide accurate indications of your personal risk of heart attack. Homocysteine levels are a much more accurate method of predicting who is at risk for cardiovascular disease and C-Reactive protein (CRP) is the very best predictor available to analyze your immediate risk of experiencing a heart attack (as well as indicating many other really serious conditions!).
Elevated homocysteine levels can be reduced with certain nutrients called "methyl donors." C-Reactive protein has been reduced quite consistently with Essential Fatty Acid supplements and betalain bioflavonoids.

Warning signs from your body that you are at increased risk for heart attack are: high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and low HDL levels. High levels of homocysteine sound a louder alarm and high C-Reactive protein levels sound the loudest siren of all. Find out NOW what signals your body is sending you regarding the health of your cardiovascular system to avoid being a victim of North America’s #1 killer.

§  Regularly check your blood pressure
§  Have an annual medical check-up
o   Test total cholesterol, HDL and LDL
o   Test homocysteine and C-Reactive protein
§  Reduce stress and increase nutrients
§  Increase methyl-donors for HCY reduction
§  Increase Omega-3 and Betalains for CRP reduction
§  Exercise 30 minutes most days of the week

Tuesday, June 7, 2011



Cancer – defining the plague

Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal, often inflamed, out of control cells divide unnecessarily and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells often spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
There are many types of cancer. Most types of cancer are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start - for example, cancer that begins in basal cells of the skin is called basal cell carcinoma; cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer.

The main types of cancer can be grouped into the following broader categories:
Ø  Lymphoma and Myeloma - cancer that begins in the cells of the immune system.
Ø  Leukemia - cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.
Ø  Central Nervous System - cancers that begins in the tissues of the spinal cord and brain.
Ø  Carcinoma - cancer that begins in the tissues that line or cover internal organs or in the skin.
Ø  Sarcoma - cancer that begins in muscle, bone, blood vessels, fat, cartilage, or other connective or supportive tissue.
Cancer – how it begins

To understand cancer, it's helpful to know what happens when normal cells become cancer cells.
All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life.
Many different types of cells make up the human body. When the body is in a healthy state of existence, these cells grow and divide in a controlled way to produce more cells as they are needed. When old or damaged cells die, they are replaced with new cells called stem cells.
When this orderly process goes wrong, cancer is often the result. The genetic material (DNA) of a cell becomes damaged or changed, producing mutations that affect normal cell growth and division. When this occurs, cells do not die when they should and new cells form when the body does not need them. The extra cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumor.

Tumors are not necessarily cancerous; tumors can be benign or malignant.
Ø  Malignant tumors are cancerous. Cells in these tumors can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body. The spread of cancer from one part of the body to another is called metastasis.
Ø  Benign tumors aren't cancerous. They can often be removed, and, in most cases, they do not come back. Cells in benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body.
Ø  Some cancers do not form tumors. For example, leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow and blood.
Preventing Cancer
Many things in the environment, our lifestyle, our diets and our genes increase or decrease our risk of getting cancer.
Cancer is a cellular disease that commonly begins in cells that have been damaged by harmful substances introduced into the body in some way. Eliminating the damage to these cells and/or assisting these cells in naturally healing themselves will be a giant step forward in lowering your risk of developing some form of cancer.
Preventing a serious health condition is always preferable to trying to find a cure for a disease that has manifested itself in the body. Lowering your risks for cancer is definitely preferable to experiencing the trauma of cancer treatment of any kind. There are certain activities and circumstances that are known to increase the likelihood that you will have the very unpleasant experience of cancer in your life. Here are some of the most common:

Ø  Tobacco usage, in any form.
Ø  Over exposure to radiation, in most lifestyles this would be from the sun or tanning beds. However this could also be a factor stemming from a person’s employment or place of residence (Radon exposure and/or pollution).
Ø  Exposure to a variety of chemical toxins; either as a result of lifestyle and/or employment (working with or exposure to a variety of toxins in the workplace).
Ø  An unhealthy diet - A diet missing the vital nutrients found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower) may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. A diet lacking high fiber-rich fruits and vegetables may also increase your risk for some types of cancer.
Ø  Obesity increases the risk of cancers of the breast (postmenopausal), endometrium (the lining of the uterus), colon, kidney, and esophagus
Ø  Chronic inflammation – research continues to show that chronic inflammation is a contributor in several types of deadly cancer. Certain dietary supplements have been scientifically shown to greatly reduce and/or eliminate chronic inflammation.
Research continues into cancer prevention, it is clear at this time that the above listed risks are real and that you can lower your risk for cancer by changing your lifestyle, if your activities include any of the high risk aspects listed above.
There is substantial evidence that certain high quality supplements can help with your cancer prevention program, especially as it relates to the reduction of chronic inflammation and detoxification of your body.
The link below will take you to a site that allows you to enter data that will help predict your risk of developing different types of cancer.